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Template for Spades Program in Java (some bugs may occur)

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 * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates
 * and open the template in the editor.
package spadesprogram;
//import Java libraries
import java.awt.BorderLayout;
import static java.awt.Frame.MAXIMIZED_BOTH;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Random;
import javax.imageio.ImageIO;
import javax.swing.ImageIcon;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import static javax.swing.JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE;
import javax.swing.JInternalFrame;
import javax.swing.JLabel;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
import javax.swing.SwingConstants;
import spadesprogram.Card.*;
 * @author ObObotette0
//Spades program accesses the Card class
public class SpadesProgram extends Card {
 //array to hold deck of Cards
 public static Card[] deckOfCards = new Card[52];
 //array containing the four cards of the book
 public static Card[] current = new Card[4];
 public static Card blank = new Card();
 //Object for each player
 public Player p1 = new Player();
 public Player p2 = new Player();
 public Player p3 = new Player();
 public Player p4 = new Player();
 //Calculate team's points
 public static int team1;
 public static int team2;
 //vvariable for which player won the hand
 public static int winHand = 0;
 //variables to help retrieve images by file
 public static String cardName;
 public static File getImage;
 //public static Card[] more;
 public static final int NumCards = 52;
 //index for creating deck
 public static int c = 0;

 //variable for internal window position
 int xloc = 1;
 int yloc = 0;
 public static JFrame tablePic = new JFrame();
 //public static JPanel fourCards = new JPanel();
 public JLabel card1 = new JLabel();
 public JLabel card2 = new JLabel();
 public JLabel card3 = new JLabel();
 public JLabel card4 = new JLabel();
 public JLabel winner = new JLabel();
 public JLabel newline = new JLabel();
 public static class Player {
 //Player's hand of cards
 public Card[] hand;
 //Determines who has lead
 public boolean lead = false;
 public boolean matchSuit = false;
 //Count for how many cards remain;
 public int cardsLeft;
 public int handSpades = 0;
 public int handHearts = 0;
 public int handDiamonds = 0;
 public int handClubs = 0;
 //Count for winning hands
 public int book = 0;
 int turn = 0;
 //Says which player object
 public String id = new String();
 //Class has constructor to begin with thirteen cards
 Player() {
 hand = new Card[13];
 cardsLeft = 13;
 //procedure to create deck of cards
 public static void DeckOfCards() {
 //Outer loop represents suits in order of hearts, diamonds,
clubs and spades
 for (int suit = 0; suit <= 3; suit++) {
 //Inner loop represents card value from 2 to Ace
 for (int value = 2; value <= 14; value++) {
 deckOfCards[c] = new Card(value, suit);
 //As card is created retrieve file for card
 try {
 cardName = deckOfCards[c].getValueAsString() +
deckOfCards[c].getSuitAsString() + ".svg.png";
 getImage = new
File("..\\SpadesProgram\\Card_Images\\" + cardName);
 deckOfCards[c].cardImage =;
 } catch (IOException e) {
 //Procedure to shuffle
 public static void Shuffle() {
 int newI;
 Card temp;
 Random randIndex = new Random();
 for (int i = 0; i < 52; i++) {
 // pick a random index between 0 and cardsInDeck - 1
 newI = randIndex.nextInt(52);
 // swap cards[i] and cards[newI]
 temp = deckOfCards[i];
 deckOfCards[i] = deckOfCards[newI];
 deckOfCards[newI] = temp;
 //Procedure to deal cards to players
 public void Deal() {
 int i;
 int j;
 //Assign player IDs here = "Player 1"; = "Player 2"; = "Player 3"; = "Player 4";
 for (int count = 0; count < 52; count++) {
 //i returns the correct index for each hand
 i = count / 4;
 //j return which player the card should be assigned to
 j = count % 4;
 switch (j) {
 case 0:
 p1.hand[i] = deckOfCards[count];
 switch (deckOfCards[count].getSuit()) {
 case SPADES:
 case HEARTS:
 case CLUBS:
 case 1:
 p2.hand[i] = deckOfCards[count];
 switch (deckOfCards[count].getSuit()) {
 case SPADES:
 case HEARTS:
 case CLUBS:
 case 2:
 p3.hand[i] = deckOfCards[count];
 switch (deckOfCards[count].getSuit()) {
 case SPADES:
 case HEARTS:
 case CLUBS:
 case 3:
 p4.hand[i] = deckOfCards[count];
 switch (deckOfCards[count].getSuit()) {
 case SPADES:
 case HEARTS:
 case CLUBS:
 //Sort each hand
 Sort(p1.hand, p1.cardsLeft);
 Sort(p2.hand, p2.cardsLeft);
 Sort(p3.hand, p3.cardsLeft);
 Sort(p4.hand, p4.cardsLeft);
 //See the hand of each player
 System.out.println((Arrays.toString(p1.hand)) + "\n");
 System.out.println((Arrays.toString(p2.hand)) + "\n");
 System.out.println((Arrays.toString(p3.hand)) + "\n");
 System.out.println((Arrays.toString(p4.hand)) + "\n");
 //modified buuble sort
 public static void Sort(Card[] sorted, int numCards) {
 int swapin; //= start;
 int swapout; //= length;
 Card swap;
 //search the length of the array
 for (swapout = 0; swapout < numCards; swapout++) {
 //prepare card for swap
 Card temp = sorted[swapout];
 swapin = swapout;
 //Conditions are as follows
 //suit is greater the temp suit
 //or suit equal temp suit and value is greater than temp
 while (swapin > 0 && sorted[swapin - 1].getSuit() >
temp.getSuit() || swapin > 0 && sorted[swapin - 1].getSuit() ==
temp.getSuit() && sorted[swapin - 1].getValue() > temp.getValue()) {
 sorted[swapin] = sorted[swapin - 1];
 sorted[swapin] = temp;
 public static Card[] newHand(Player array, int element) {
 int n1 = 0;
 Card[] temp = new Card[array.cardsLeft - 1];
 for (int n = 0; n < array.cardsLeft; n++) {
 if (array.hand[n].getSuit() == JOKER) {
 } else if (array.hand[n].getSuit() != JOKER) {
 temp[n1] = array.hand[n];

 Sort(temp, n1);
 return temp;
 //Procedure for Playing the first hand
 public void firstPlay() {
 //if no cards are remaining print error message
 if (p1.cardsLeft == 0 && p2.cardsLeft == 0 && p3.cardsLeft ==
0 && p4.cardsLeft == 0) {
 System.out.println("Error in calculating score!");
 } else {
 Card temp = new Card();
 //Object for high card or low card
 Card high = new Card();
 Card low = new Card();
 int index = 0;
 //First card is assumed high card
 high = p1.hand[0];
 //Search for a card that is higher and is not a Spade
 for (int i = 0; i < p1.cardsLeft; i++) {
 if (p1.hand[i].getSuit() != SPADES ||
p1.hand[i].getSuit() != JOKER) {
 temp = p1.hand[i];
 if (temp.getSuit() != SPADES && temp.getValue() >
high.getValue()) {
 high = temp;
 index = i;
 //Assign high card to book array
 current[0] = high;
 //replace card played
 p1.hand[index] = new Card();
 //decrease the amount of cards left
 p1.cardsLeft -= 1;
 //First card is assumed high card
 high = p2.hand[0];
 //Search for card that matches the suit of first card
 for (int j = 0; j < p2.cardsLeft; j++) {
 if (current[0].getSuit() == p2.hand[j].getSuit()) {
 temp = p2.hand[j];
 if (current[0].getSuit() == temp.getSuit() &&
temp.getValue() > high.getValue()) {
 high = temp;
 index = j;
 //if suit matches and value is high, add to array as high
 if (high.getSuit() == current[0].getSuit() &&
high.getValue() > current[0].getValue()) {
 current[1] = high;
 }//else if suit matches but is not higher, search for low
card to add to array
 else if (high.getSuit() == current[0].getSuit()) {
 low = high;
 for (int j = 0; j < p2.cardsLeft; j++) {
 if (current[0].getSuit() == p2.hand[j].getSuit()
&& p2.hand[j].getValue() < low.getValue() && p2.hand[j].getValue() <
current[0].getValue()) {
 temp = p2.hand[j];
 if (p2.hand[j].getSuit() != SPADES) {
 low = temp;
 index = j;
 current[1] = low;
 }//else if cannot find a card to match suit, search for
lowest non spades
 else if (high.getSuit() != current[0].getSuit()) {
 low = high;
 for (int j = 0; j < p2.cardsLeft; j++) {
 if (low.getSuit() != SPADES &&
p2.hand[j].getValue() < low.getValue() && p2.hand[j].getValue() <
current[0].getValue()) {
 low = p2.hand[j];
 index = j;
 current[1] = low;
 //replace card played
 p2.hand[index] = new Card();
 //decrease amount of cards left
 p2.cardsLeft -= 1;
 //Assume first card is high card
 high = p3.hand[0];
 //Search for card that matches suit of first card play
 for (int k = 0; k < p3.cardsLeft; k++) {
 if (current[0].getSuit() == p3.hand[k].getSuit()) {
 temp = p3.hand[k];
 if (current[0].getSuit() == temp.getSuit() &&
temp.getValue() > high.getValue()) {
 high = temp;
 index = k;
 //If suit matches and has a higher value that both cars
played, add to array as high card
 if (high.getSuit() == current[0].getSuit() &&
high.getValue() > current[0].getValue() && high.getValue() >
current[1].getValue()) {
 current[2] = high;
 }//else if suit matches but is not high, search for low
card to add to array
 else if (high.getSuit() == current[0].getSuit()) {
 low = high;
 for (int k = 0; k < p3.cardsLeft; k++) {
 if (current[0].getSuit() == p3.hand[k].getSuit()
&& p3.hand[k].getValue() < low.getValue() && p3.hand[k].getValue() <
current[0].getValue()) {
 temp = p3.hand[k];
 if (p3.hand[k].getSuit() != SPADES) {
 low = temp;
 index = k;
 current[2] = low;
 }//else if player cannot match suit, search for lowest non
spades to play
 else if (high.getSuit() != current[0].getSuit()) {
 low = high;
 for (int k = 0; k < p3.cardsLeft; k++) {
 if (low.getSuit() != SPADES &&
p3.hand[k].getValue() < low.getValue() && p3.hand[k].getValue() <
current[0].getValue()) {
 low = p3.hand[k];
 index = k;
 current[2] = low;
 //replace card played
 p3.hand[index] = new Card();
 //decrease amount of cards left
 p3.cardsLeft -= 1;
 //Assume for card is the high card
 high = p4.hand[0];
 //Search for card that matches suit of first card played
 for (int l = 0; l < p4.cardsLeft; l++) {
 if (current[0].getSuit() == p4.hand[l].getSuit()) {
 temp = p4.hand[l];
 if (current[0].getSuit() == temp.getSuit() &&
temp.getValue() > high.getValue()) {
 high = temp;
 index = l;
 }//if card matches suit and hs a higher value than the
others, add to array as high card
 if (high.getSuit() == current[0].getSuit() &&
high.getValue() > current[0].getValue() && high.getValue() >
current[1].getValue() && high.getValue() > current[2].getValue()) {
 current[3] = high;
 }//else if suit matches but is not higher, search for low
card to play
 else if (high.getSuit() == current[0].getSuit()) {
 low = high;
 for (int l = 0; l < p4.cardsLeft; l++) {
 if (current[0].getSuit() == p4.hand[l].getSuit()
&& p4.hand[l].getValue() < low.getValue()) {
 temp = p4.hand[l];
 if (p4.hand[l].getSuit() != SPADES) {
 low = temp;
 index = l;
 current[3] = low;
 }//else if suit does not match, search for lowest non
spade to play
 else if (high.getSuit() != current[0].getSuit()) {
 low = high;
 for (int l = 0; l < p4.cardsLeft; l++) {
 if (low.getSuit() != SPADES &&
p4.hand[l].getValue() < low.getValue()) {
 low = p4.hand[l];
 index = l;
 current[3] = low;
 //replace played card
 p4.hand[index] = new Card();
 //decrease amount of cards left
 p4.cardsLeft -= 1;
 //Print cards in the book
 System.out.println("\n\n" + (Arrays.toString(current)));
 //Assume first card is the high card
 high = current[0];
 //Search for card with highest value and matches suit of
first card in book
 //Call to play procedure for the next round
 for (int w = 0; w < 4; w++) {
 if (high.getValue() < current[w].getValue() &&
high.getSuit() == current[w].getSuit()) {
 high = current[w];
 winHand = w;

 //Display for cards
 //JFrame tablePic = new JFrame();
 JInternalFrame bookPic = new JInternalFrame();
 JPanel fourCards = new JPanel();
 //Retrieve image for each card and indentify winning play
 card1 = new JLabel(new ImageIcon(current[0].cardImage));
 card2 = new JLabel(new ImageIcon(current[1].cardImage));
 card3 = new JLabel(new ImageIcon(current[2].cardImage));
 card4 = new JLabel(new ImageIcon(current[3].cardImage));
 winner = new JLabel("\nWinning Card if " + high.toString()
 //Add components to panel
 //Add panel to frame
 bookPic.setSize(300, 250);
 //bookPic.setLocation(300, 0);
 //bookPic.setLocation(300*xloc, 250*yloc);
 //xloc += 1;
 //which ever player wins, claims the current book and
leads the next hand
 switch (winHand) {
 case 0: { += 1;
 p1.lead = true;
 p2.lead = false;
 p3.lead = false;
 p4.lead = false;
 System.out.println( + " wins book");
 play(p1, p2, p3, p4);
 case 1: { += 1;
 p2.lead = true;
 p1.lead = false;
 p3.lead = false;
 p4.lead = false;
 System.out.println( + " wins book");
 play(p2, p3, p4, p1);
 case 2: { += 1;
 p3.lead = true;
 p1.lead = false;
 p2.lead = false;
 p4.lead = false;
 System.out.println( + " wins book");
 play(p3, p4, p1, p2);
 case 3: { += 1;
 p4.lead = true;
 p1.lead = false;
 p2.lead = false;
 p3.lead = false;
 System.out.println( + " wins book");
 play(p4, p1, p2, p3);
 //Procedure for the remainder of the game
 public void play(Player first, Player second, Player third, Player
fourth) {
 //when all player ave zero cards left print score
 if (first.cardsLeft == 0 || second.cardsLeft == 0 ||
third.cardsLeft == 0 || fourth.cardsLeft == 0) {
 team1 = +;
 team2 = +;
 if (team1 > team2) {
 System.out.println("\nTeam one wins with " + team1 *
10 + " points");
 winner = new JLabel("\nTeam one wins with " + team1 *
10 + " versus " + team2 * 10 + " points for team 2");
 } else if (team1 < team2) {
 System.out.println("\nTeam two wins with " + team2 *
10 + " points");
 winner = new JLabel("\nTeam two wins with " + team2 *
10 + " versus " + team1 * 10 + " points for team 1");
 } else {
 System.out.println("\nError in calculating score!");
 //else leading player plays their card
 else if (first.lead) {
 //resort each hand before play
 Sort(first.hand, first.cardsLeft);
 Sort(second.hand, second.cardsLeft);
 Sort(third.hand, third.cardsLeft);
 Sort(fourth.hand, fourth.cardsLeft);
 //variable for high or low card
 Card temp = new Card();
 Card high = new Card();
 Card low = new Card();
 int index = 0;
 JPanel fourCards = new JPanel();
 JInternalFrame bookPic = new JInternalFrame();
 //Print who is playing first and how many cards they have
 System.out.println("\n\n" + + " plays first and
has " + first.cardsLeft + " playable cards remaining.");
 winner = new JLabel("\n" + + " won last book and
plays first.\n");
 newline = new JLabel("\n ");
 //Assume first card is high card
 high = first.hand[0];
 //Search for a non Joker which has a higher value
 for (int i = 0; i < 13; i++) {
 if (first.hand[i].getSuit() != JOKER) {
 temp = first.hand[i];
 if (temp.getValue() > high.getValue()) {
 high = temp;
 index = i;
 //Add high card from hand to array
 current[0] = high;
 //Replace card that was played
 first.hand[index] = new Card();
 //Decrease amount of cards in Hand
 first.cardsLeft -= 1;
 //Assume first card is high card
 high = second.hand[0];
 //Search for a card to match suit of first card played
 for (int j = 0; j < 13; j++) {
 if (current[0].getSuit() == second.hand[j].getSuit())
 temp = second.hand[j];
 if (current[0].getSuit() == temp.getSuit() &&
temp.getValue() > high.getValue()) {
 high = temp;
 index = j;
 //If card matches suit and is higher, add to array as high
 if (high.getSuit() == current[0].getSuit() &&
high.getValue() > current[0].getValue()) {
 current[1] = high;
 }//else if card matches suit but is not higher, search for
lowest card to play
 else if (high.getSuit() == current[0].getSuit()) {
 low = high;
 for (int j = 0; j < 13; j++) {
 if (current[0].getSuit() ==
second.hand[j].getSuit() && second.hand[j].getValue() < low.getValue()
 low = second.hand[j];
 index = j;
 current[1] = low;
 }//else search for non matching card to play
 else if (high.getSuit() != current[0].getSuit() &&
high.getSuit() != JOKER) {
 low = high;
 for (int j = 0; j < 13; j++) {
 //if no cards match first card plyed, play high
spade as trump card
 if (second.hand[j].getSuit() == SPADES &&
second.hand[j].getSuit() != current[0].getSuit()) {
 temp = second.hand[j];
 if (temp.getSuit() == SPADES && low.getValue()
< temp.getValue()) {
 low = temp;
 index = j;
 }//else play low card
 else if (second.hand[j].getSuit() != JOKER &&
second.hand[j].getValue() < low.getValue() ){
 low = second.hand[j];
 index = j;
 current[1] = low;
 //replace played card
 second.hand[index] = new Card();
 //decrease amount of cards left in hand
 second.cardsLeft -= 1;
 //Assume first card is high card
 high = third.hand[0];
 //Search for another card which matches suit
 for (int k = 0; k < 13; k++) {
 if (current[0].getSuit() == third.hand[k].getSuit()) {
 temp = third.hand[k];
 if (current[0].getSuit() == temp.getSuit() &&
temp.getValue() > high.getValue()) {
 high = temp;
 index = k;
 //if suit matches and has the highest value, add to array
as high card
 if (high.getSuit() == current[0].getSuit() &&
high.getValue() > current[0].getValue() && high.getValue() >
current[1].getValue()) {
 current[2] = high;
 }//else if suit matches but is not high card, search for
low card to play
 else if (high.getSuit() == current[0].getSuit()) {
 low = high;
 for (int k = 0; k < 13; k++) {
 if (current[0].getSuit() ==
third.hand[k].getSuit() && third.hand[k].getValue() < low.getValue() )
 low = third.hand[k];
 index = k;
 current[2] = low;
 }//else if player has no card to match suit, search for
non Joker to play
 else if (high.getSuit() != current[0].getSuit() &&
high.getSuit() != JOKER) {
 low = high;
 for (int k = 0; k < 13; k++) {
 //search for spades to play as trump card
 if (third.hand[k].getSuit() == SPADES &&
third.hand[k].getSuit() != current[0].getSuit()) {
 temp = third.hand[k];
 if (temp.getSuit() == SPADES && low.getValue()
< temp.getValue()) {
 low = temp;
 index = k;
 }//else search for low card to play
 else if (third.hand[k].getSuit() != JOKER &&
third.hand[k].getValue() < low.getValue() ){
 low = third.hand[k];
 index = k;
 current[2] = low;
 //REplace card played
 third.hand[index] = new Card();
 //Decrease the amount of cards left in hand
 third.cardsLeft -= 1;
 //Assume first card is high card
 high = fourth.hand[0];
 //Search for a card that matches suit of cards in book
 for (int l = 0; l < 13; l++) {
 if (current[0].getSuit() == fourth.hand[l].getSuit())
 temp = fourth.hand[l];
 if (current[0].getSuit() == temp.getSuit() &&
temp.getValue() > high.getValue()) {
 high = temp;
 index = l;
 //If card matches and has the highest value, add to array
as high card
 if (high.getSuit() == current[0].getSuit() &&
high.getValue() > current[0].getValue() && high.getValue() >
current[1].getValue() && high.getValue() > current[2].getValue()) {
 current[3] = high;
 }//If card matches suit but is not high card, search for
low card to play
 else if (high.getSuit() == current[0].getSuit()) {
 low = high;
 for (int l = 0; l < 13; l++) {
 if (current[0].getSuit() ==
fourth.hand[l].getSuit() && fourth.hand[l].getValue() <
low.getValue()) {
 low = fourth.hand[l];
 index = l;
 current[3] = low;
 }//if card soes not match, search for non Joker to play
 else if (high.getSuit() != current[0].getSuit() &&
high.getSuit() != JOKER) {
 low = high;
 for (int l = 0; l < 13; l++) {
 //Play spade as trump card
 if (fourth.hand[l].getSuit() == SPADES &&
fourth.hand[l].getSuit() != current[0].getSuit() && high.getSuit() !=
 temp = fourth.hand[l];
 if (temp.getSuit() == SPADES && low.getValue()
< temp.getValue()) {
 low = temp;
 index = l;
 }//else search for lowest cards to play
 else if (fourth.hand[l].getSuit() != JOKER &&
fourth.hand[l].getValue() < low.getValue() ){
 low = fourth.hand[l];
 index = l;
 current[3] = low;
 //Replace card that was played
 fourth.hand[index] = new Card();
 //Decrease amount of cards in hand
 fourth.cardsLeft -= 1;
 //Show cards in the current book
 //Assume first card is high card
 high = current[0];
 //Search for another card to win hand
 for (int w = 0; w < 4; w++) {
 //Assign card with highest value which matches suit of
previous high card of the array
 if (high.getValue() < current[w].getValue() &&
high.getSuit() == current[w].getSuit()) {
 high = current[w];
 winHand = w;
 } //If there is a spade as a trump card, assign it as
high card
 else if (current[w].getSuit() == SPADES &&
high.getSuit() != SPADES) {
 high = current[w];
 winHand = w;

 //Add display for book
 //JFrame tablePic = new JFrame();
 //JInternalFrame bookPic = new JInternalFrame();
 //JPanel fourCards = new JPanel();
 //Retrieve each card's image and identify winning play
 card1 = new JLabel(new ImageIcon(current[0].cardImage));
 card2 = new JLabel(new ImageIcon(current[1].cardImage));
 card3 = new JLabel(new ImageIcon(current[2].cardImage));
 card4 = new JLabel(new ImageIcon(current[3].cardImage));
 winner = new JLabel("\nWinning Card if " +
high.toString() );
 //Add component to panel
 //Add panel to frame
 bookPic.setSize(300, 250);
 //create the framing so only 4 windows appear on each
 if (xloc == 5)
 yloc += 1;
 xloc = 1;
 //add book display to next location
 bookPic.setLocation(300*xloc, 250*yloc);
 xloc += 1;

 //Value of winhand determines which player claims book and
leads next play
 switch (winHand) {
 case 0: { += 1;
 first.lead = true;
 second.lead = false;
 third.lead = false;
 fourth.lead = false;
 System.out.println( + " wins book");
 play(first, second, third, fourth);
 case 1: { += 1;
 second.lead = true;
 first.lead = false;
 third.lead = false;
 fourth.lead = false;
 System.out.println( + " wins book");
 play(second, third, fourth, first);
 case 2: { += 1;
 third.lead = true;
 first.lead = false;
 second.lead = false;
 fourth.lead = false;
 System.out.println( + " wins book");
 play(third, fourth, first, second);
 case 3: { += 1;
 fourth.lead = true;
 first.lead = false;
 second.lead = false;
 third.lead = false;
 System.out.println( + " wins book");
 play(fourth, first, second, third);
 }//If first play does not have lead, report error
 else {
 System.out.println("Error in playing order!");


 * @param args the command line arguments
 public static void main(String[] args) {
 SpadesProgram x = new SpadesProgram();
 //First create deck
 //Shuffle cards before dealing
 //Create hands for players
 //Players begin hand and firstPlay calls Play
 //Play calls itself recursively till game ends

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