Public Class frmCalculator
Private Sub btnAdd_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnAdd.Click
two numbers from textboxes and add them together
display operator and result
Dim strNumber As String
Dim dblNum1 As Double
Dim dblNum2 As Double
Dim dblTotal As Double
both are numeric complete the operation and display total
If IsNumeric(tbNumTwo.Text) And IsNumeric(tbNumOne.Text) Then
dblNum1 = Convert.ToDouble(tbNumOne.Text)
dblNum2 = Convert.ToDouble(tbNumTwo.Text)
lblRequestOne.Visible = False
lblRequestTwo.Visible = False
dblTotal = dblNum1 + dblNum2
lblMath.Text = "(+) Plus"
lblEquals.Text = "= " &
only first textbox has a numeric value
it in a string variable and request entry for second textbox
ElseIf IsNumeric(tbNumOne.Text) Then
strNumber = tbNumOne.Text
dblNum1 = Convert.ToDouble(strNumber)
lblRequestOne.Visible = False
lblRequestTwo.Visible = True
lblEquals.Text = "?"
only second textbox has a numeric value
it in a string variable and request entry for first textbox
ElseIf IsNumeric(tbNumTwo.Text) Then
strNumber = tbNumTwo.Text
dblNum2 = Convert.ToDouble(strNumber)
lblRequestOne.Visible = True
lblRequestTwo.Visible = False
lblEquals.Text = "?"
request a number for both
lblRequestOne.Visible = True
lblRequestTwo.Visible = True
lblEquals.Text = "?"
End If
End Sub
Private Sub btnSubtract_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnSubtract.Click
two numbers from textboxes and subtract second number from first number
display operator and result
Dim strNumber As String
Dim dblNum1 As Double
Dim dblNum2 As Double
Dim dblTotal As Double
both are numeric complete the operation and display total
If IsNumeric(tbNumTwo.Text) And IsNumeric(tbNumOne.Text) Then
dblNum1 = Convert.ToDouble(tbNumOne.Text)
dblNum2 = Convert.ToDouble(tbNumTwo.Text)
lblRequestOne.Visible = False
lblRequestTwo.Visible = False
dblTotal = dblNum1 - dblNum2
lblMath.Text = "(-) Minus"
lblEquals.Text = "= " &
only first textbox has a numeric value
it in a string variable and request entry for second textbox
ElseIf IsNumeric(tbNumOne.Text) Then
strNumber = tbNumOne.Text
dblNum1 = Convert.ToDouble(strNumber)
lblRequestOne.Visible = False
lblRequestTwo.Visible = True
lblEquals.Text = "?"
only second textbox has a numeric value
it in a string variable and request entry for first textbox
ElseIf IsNumeric(tbNumTwo.Text) Then
strNumber = tbNumTwo.Text
dblNum2 = Convert.ToDouble(strNumber)
lblRequestOne.Visible = True
lblRequestTwo.Visible = False
lblEquals.Text = "?"
request a number for both
lblRequestOne.Visible = True
lblRequestTwo.Visible = True
lblEquals.Text = "?"
End If
End Sub
Private Sub btnMultiply_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnMultiply.Click
two numbers from textboxes and multiply them together
display operator and result
Dim strNumber As String
Dim dblNum1 As Double
Dim dblNum2 As Double
Dim dblTotal As Double
both are numeric complete the operation and display total
If IsNumeric(tbNumTwo.Text) And IsNumeric(tbNumOne.Text) Then
dblNum1 = Convert.ToDouble(tbNumOne.Text)
dblNum2 = Convert.ToDouble(tbNumTwo.Text)
lblRequestOne.Visible = False
lblRequestTwo.Visible = False
dblTotal = dblNum1 * dblNum2
lblMath.Text = "(*) Times"
lblEquals.Text = "= " &
only first textbox has a numeric value
it in a string variable and request entry for second textbox
ElseIf IsNumeric(tbNumOne.Text) Then
strNumber = tbNumOne.Text
dblNum1 = Convert.ToDouble(strNumber)
lblRequestOne.Visible = False
lblRequestTwo.Visible = True
lblEquals.Text = "?"
only second textbox has a numeric value
it in a string variable and request entry for first textbox
ElseIf IsNumeric(tbNumTwo.Text) Then
strNumber = tbNumTwo.Text
dblNum2 = Convert.ToDouble(strNumber)
lblRequestOne.Visible = True
lblRequestTwo.Visible = False
lblEquals.Text = "?"
request a number for both
lblRequestOne.Visible = True
lblRequestTwo.Visible = True
lblEquals.Text = "?"
End If
End Sub
Private Sub btnExponent_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnExponent.Click
two numbers from textboxes and use the order of the first number to the power
of the second number
display operator and result
Dim strNumber As String
Dim dblNum1 As Double
Dim dblNum2 As Double
Dim dblTotal As Double
both are numeric complete the operation and display total
If IsNumeric(tbNumTwo.Text) And IsNumeric(tbNumOne.Text) Then
dblNum1 = Convert.ToDouble(tbNumOne.Text)
dblNum2 = Convert.ToDouble(tbNumTwo.Text)
lblRequestOne.Visible = False
lblRequestTwo.Visible = False
dblTotal = dblNum1 ^ dblNum2
lblMath.Text = "(^) To The Power Of"
lblEquals.Text = "= " &
only first textbox has a numeric value
it in a string variable and request entry for second textbox
ElseIf IsNumeric(tbNumOne.Text) Then
strNumber = tbNumOne.Text
dblNum1 = Convert.ToDouble(strNumber)
lblRequestOne.Visible = False
lblRequestTwo.Visible = True
lblEquals.Text = "?"
only second textbox has a numeric value
it in a string variable and request entry for first textbox
ElseIf IsNumeric(tbNumTwo.Text) Then
strNumber = tbNumTwo.Text
dblNum2 = Convert.ToDouble(strNumber)
lblRequestOne.Visible = True
lblRequestTwo.Visible = False
lblEquals.Text = "?"
request a number for both
lblRequestOne.Visible = True
lblRequestTwo.Visible = True
lblEquals.Text = "?"
End If
End Sub
Private Sub btnDivide_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnDivide.Click
two numbers from textboxes and divide the first number by the second number
display operator and result
Dim strNumber As String
Dim dblNum1 As Double
Dim dblNum2 As Double
Dim dblTotal As Double
both are numeric complete the operation and display total
If IsNumeric(tbNumTwo.Text) And IsNumeric(tbNumOne.Text) Then
dblNum1 = Convert.ToDouble(tbNumOne.Text)
dblNum2 = Convert.ToDouble(tbNumTwo.Text)
lblRequestOne.Visible = False
lblRequestTwo.Visible = False
dblTotal = dblNum1 / dblNum2
lblMath.Text = "(/) Divided By"
lblEquals.Text = "= " &
only first textbox has a numeric value
it in a string variable and request entry for second textbox
ElseIf IsNumeric(tbNumOne.Text) Then
strNumber = tbNumOne.Text
dblNum1 = Convert.ToDouble(strNumber)
lblRequestOne.Visible = False
lblRequestTwo.Visible = True
lblEquals.Text = "?"
only second textbox has a numeric value
it in a string variable and request entry for first textbox
ElseIf IsNumeric(tbNumTwo.Text) Then
strNumber = tbNumTwo.Text
dblNum2 = Convert.ToDouble(strNumber)
lblRequestOne.Visible = True
lblRequestTwo.Visible = False
lblEquals.Text = "?"
request a number for both
lblRequestOne.Visible = True
lblRequestTwo.Visible = True
lblEquals.Text = "?"
End If
End Sub
Private Sub btnIntDivide_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnIntDivide.Click
two numbers from textboxes and divide the first number by the second number
display operator and result as a whole number
Dim strNumber As String
Dim dblNum1 As Double
Dim dblNum2 As Double
Dim intTotal As Integer
both are numeric complete the operation and display total
If IsNumeric(tbNumTwo.Text) And IsNumeric(tbNumOne.Text) Then
dblNum1 = Convert.ToDouble(tbNumOne.Text)
dblNum2 = Convert.ToDouble(tbNumTwo.Text)
lblRequestOne.Visible = False
lblRequestTwo.Visible = False
intTotal = dblNum1 \ dblNum2
lblMath.Text = "(\) Interger Divided By"
lblEquals.Text = "= " &
only first textbox has a numeric value
it in a string variable and request entry for second textbox
ElseIf IsNumeric(tbNumOne.Text) Then
strNumber = tbNumOne.Text
dblNum1 = Convert.ToDouble(strNumber)
lblRequestOne.Visible = False
lblRequestTwo.Visible = True
lblEquals.Text = "?"
only second textbox has a numeric value
it in a string variable and request entry for first textbox
ElseIf IsNumeric(tbNumTwo.Text) Then
strNumber = tbNumTwo.Text
dblNum2 = Convert.ToDouble(strNumber)
lblRequestOne.Visible = True
lblRequestTwo.Visible = False
lblEquals.Text = "?"
request a number for both
lblRequestOne.Visible = True
lblRequestTwo.Visible = True
lblEquals.Text = "?"
End If
End Sub
Private Sub btnModulus_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnModulus.Click
two numbers from textboxes and divide the first number by the second number
display operator and result as only the remainer from dividing
Dim strNumber As String
Dim dblNum1 As Double
Dim dblNum2 As Double
Dim intTotal As Integer
both are numeric complete the operation and display total
If IsNumeric(tbNumTwo.Text) And IsNumeric(tbNumOne.Text) Then
dblNum1 = Convert.ToDouble(tbNumOne.Text)
dblNum2 = Convert.ToDouble(tbNumTwo.Text)
lblRequestOne.Visible = False
lblRequestTwo.Visible = False
intTotal = dblNum1 Mod dblNum2
lblMath.Text = "MOD"
lblEquals.Text = "= " &
only first textbox has a numeric value
it in a string variable and request entry for second textbox
ElseIf IsNumeric(tbNumOne.Text) Then
strNumber = tbNumOne.Text
dblNum1 = Convert.ToDouble(strNumber)
lblRequestOne.Visible = False
lblRequestTwo.Visible = True
lblEquals.Text = "?"
only second textbox has a numeric value
it in a string variable and request entry for first textbox
ElseIf IsNumeric(tbNumTwo.Text) Then
strNumber = tbNumTwo.Text
dblNum2 = Convert.ToDouble(strNumber)
lblRequestOne.Visible = True
lblRequestTwo.Visible = False
lblEquals.Text = "?"
request a number for both
lblRequestOne.Visible = True
lblRequestTwo.Visible = True
lblEquals.Text = "?"
End If
End Sub
Private Sub btnClear_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnClear.Click
will empty the textboxes and operator label
place the focus on the first text boxes
tbNumOne.Text = ""
tbNumTwo.Text = ""
lblMath.Text = ""
lblEquals.Text = ""
lblRequestOne.Visible = False
lblRequestTwo.Visible = False
End Sub
Private Sub btnExit_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnExit.Click
will call the close function
End Sub
End Class
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