Public Class frmTours
'Class Variables
Private intHours As Integer
Private decTotalCost As Decimal
Private strActivity As String
Private Sub cbLocation_SelectedIndexChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles cbLocation.SelectedIndexChanged
'Change list box collection to be specific to combobox choice
Dim intChoice = cbLocation.SelectedIndex
Select Case intChoice
Case 0
Case 1
Case 2
End Select
'Show textbox, listbox and buttons
lblParty.Visible = True
tbAmount.Visible = True
lstTours.Visible = True
btnClear.Visible = True
btnSelection.Visible = True
'Place user focus on textbox
End Sub
Private Sub frmTours_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
'Set timer for splash screen
End Sub
Private Sub Aruba()
'Listbox displays options for Aruba tour location
Dim strDeepSea As String = "Deep Sea Fishing"
Dim strKayak As String = "Kayaking"
Dim strScuba As String = "Scuba Diving"
Dim strSnorkel As String = "Snorkeling"
'Add strings to listbox
End Sub
Private Sub Jamaica()
'Listbox display options for Jamaica tour location
Dim strParasailing As String = "Parasailing"
Dim strJetSki As String = "Jetskiing"
Dim strSnorkel As String = "Snorkeling"
'Add strings to listbox
End Sub
Private Sub KeyWest()
'Listbox displays options for KeyWest tour location
Dim strCruise As String = "Moonlit Cruise"
Dim strSwim As String = "Swim Lessons"
Dim strSnorkel As String = "Snorkeling"
'Add strings to listbox
End Sub
Private Sub btnSelection_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnSelection.Click
'Declare variables
Dim intParty As Integer
Dim blnValid As Boolean = False
Dim blnSelected As Boolean = False
Dim intTour As Integer
Dim strTour As String
Dim intIsland As Integer
Dim intLength As Integer
Dim decTotal As Decimal
'Create function to validate data
blnValid = ValidateParty()
intTour = ValidateTour(blnSelected, strTour)
'if both variables are true, accept user entry
If blnSelected And blnValid Then
intParty = Convert.ToInt32(tbAmount.Text)
'Use function specific to user selection
intIsland = cbLocation.SelectedIndex
Select Case intIsland
Case 0
decTotal = ArubaCost(intTour, intParty, intLength)
Case 1
decTotal = JamaicaCost(intTour, intParty, intLength)
Case 2
decTotal = KeyWestCost(intTour, intParty, intLength)
End Select
decTotalCost += decTotal
intHours += intLength
strActivity = cbLocation.Text & " Tour " & strTour
'Display user selection
lblType.Text = strActivity.ToString()
lblType.Visible = True
lblCost.Text = "Cost " & decTotal.ToString("C")
lblCost.Visible = True
lblDuration.Text = "Tour is scheduled for " & intLength.ToString("N") & " hours"
lblDuration.Visible = True
End If
End Sub
Private Function ValidateParty() As Boolean
'Declare Variables
Dim intParty As Integer
Dim blnValid As Boolean = False
'Create try-catch block for user entry of party amount
intParty = Convert.ToInt32(tbAmount.Text)
If intParty > 0 And intParty < 100 Then
blnValid = True
MsgBox("Please enter a number between 1 and 99 for your party", , "Invalid Number Entry")
End If
Catch ex As FormatException
MsgBox("Please enter a number between 1 and 99 for your party", , "Invalid Number Entry")
Catch ex As OverflowException
MsgBox("Please enter a number between 1 and 99 for your party", , "Invalid Number Entry")
Catch ex As SystemException
MsgBox("Please enter a number between 1 and 99 for your party", , "Invalid Number Entry")
End Try
'Return true only if number is between 1 and 99
Return blnValid
End Function
Private Function ValidateTour(ByRef blnTour As Boolean, ByRef strTour As String) As Integer
'Declare variables
Dim intTour As Integer
intTour = Convert.ToInt32(lstTours.SelectedIndex)
strTour = lstTours.SelectedItem.ToString()
blnTour = True
Catch ex As SystemException
MsgBox("Please select an event to participate in", , "Missing Input")
blnTour = False
End Try
Return intTour
End Function
Private Function ArubaCost(ByVal intTour As Integer, ByVal intParty As Integer, ByRef intDuration As Integer) As Decimal
'Declare Variables
Dim decCost As Decimal
Dim decTotal As Decimal
Dim decDeep As Decimal = 199D
Dim decKayak As Decimal = 89D
Dim decScuba As Decimal = 119D
Dim decSnork As Decimal = 95D
'Calculate activate and duration from user selection
Select Case intTour
Case 0
decCost = decDeep
intDuration = 8I
Case 1
decCost = decKayak
intDuration = 2I
Case 2
decCost = decScuba
intDuration = 3I
Case 3
decCost = decSnork
intDuration = 4I
End Select
'Find total and return
decTotal = decCost * intParty
Return decTotal
End Function
Private Function JamaicaCost(ByVal intTour As Integer, ByVal intParty As Integer, ByRef intDuration As Integer) As Decimal
'Declare Variables
Dim decCost As Decimal
Dim decTotal As Decimal
Dim decPara As Decimal = 129D
Dim decJet As Decimal = 59D
Dim decSnork As Decimal = 95D
'Calculate activate and duration from user selection
Select intTour
Case 0
decCost = decJet
intDuration = 3I
Case 1
decCost = decPara
intDuration = 2I
Case 2
decCost = decSnork
intDuration = 3I
End Select
'Find total and return
decTotal = decCost * intParty
Return decTotal
End Function
Private Function KeyWestCost(ByVal intTour As Integer, ByVal intParty As Integer, ByRef intDuration As Integer) As Decimal
'Declare Variables
Dim decCost As Decimal
Dim decTotal As Decimal
Dim decCruise As Decimal = 299D
Dim decSwim As Decimal = 39D
Dim decSnork As Decimal = 95D
'Calculate activate and duration from user selection
Select Case intTour
Case 0
decCost = decCruise
intDuration = 8I
Case 1
decCost = decSwim
intDuration = 2I
Case 2
decCost = decSnork
intDuration = 3I
End Select
'Find total and return
decTotal = decCost * intParty
Return decTotal
End Function
Private Sub btnClear_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnClear.Click
'Resets application to Tour Location selection
cbLocation.Text = "Select Island Location"
lblType.Text = String.Empty
lblCost.Text = String.Empty
lblDuration.Text = String.Empty
lblParty.Visible = False
tbAmount.Visible = False
lblType.Visible = False
lblCost.Visible = False
lblDuration.Visible = False
btnClear.Visible = False
btnSelection.Visible = False
lstTours.Visible = False
End Sub
Private Sub ExitToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles ExitToolStripMenuItem.Click
'Create an option for user to close application
End Sub
Private Sub ClearToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles ClearToolStripMenuItem.Click
'Menu option does the same and click event
cbLocation.Text = "Select Island Location"
lblType.Text = String.Empty
lblCost.Text = String.Empty
lblDuration.Text = String.Empty
lblParty.Visible = False
tbAmount.Visible = False
lblType.Visible = False
lblCost.Visible = False
lblDuration.Visible = False
btnClear.Visible = False
btnSelection.Visible = False
lstTours.Visible = False
End Sub
End Class
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