#include [stdlib.h]
#include [string.h]
int main() {
//create file variables for I/O
FILE *data = fopen("COSC450_P1_Data.txt", "r");
FILE *output = fopen("COSC450_P1_Output.txt", "w+");
//create variables
signed int input[255];
int length = 0;
int value;
int neg;
int c = 0, d = 0, d1 = 0, m;
int add;
//Check if file exist
if(data == NULL){
printf("Error reading input file");
//read one integer at a time
fscanf(data, "%d", &value);
//while not end of file
while(!feof (data)){
//store value in array and continue reading
input[length] = value;
fscanf(data, "%d", &value);
fscanf(data, "%d", &value);
input[length] = value;
//Create matrix
int field = length / 5;
int x[5][field];
int y[field][5];
long result[5][5];
//loop for one dimension of matrix
for(int a = 0; a <= field; a++){
//loop for second dimension of matrix
for(int b = 0; b < 5; b++){
neg = 0;
//assign array element to index
if(input[c] < 0){
value = -input[c];
neg = 1;
value = input[c];
x[b][a] = value;
//print to file
fprintf(output, "matrix1[%d][%d] = %d\n", b, a, input[c]);
//increase index and repeat for second matrix
y[a][b] = value;
fprintf(output, "matrix2[%d][%d] = %d\n", a, b, input[c]);
for(int a = 0; a < 5; a++){
//loop for second dimension of matrix
for(int b = 0; b < 5; b++){
for(int c = 0; c <= field; c++){
//loop for second dimension of matrix
//create product matrix
add = add + x[a][c] * y[c][b];
result[a][b] = add;
add = 0;
fprintf(output, "product matrix[%d][%d] = %ld \n\n", a, b, result[a][b]);
//loop to sort value of product matrix
for(int e = 0; e < 5; e++){
for(int m = 0; m < 5; m++){
//assign value to test against array elements
value = result[e][m];
//secondary loop
for(int d = e; d < 5; d++ ){
for(int d1 = m; d1 < 5; d1++){
//if value is greater begin swap
if(value > result[d][d1] ){
value = result[d][d1];
result[d][d1] = result[e][m];
result[e][m] = value;
//second conditional for column shift
if(d1 == 0){
if(result[d][d1] < result[d-1][4]){
neg = result[d][d1];
result[d][d1] = result[d-1][4];
result[d-1][4] = neg;
//loop to print to file
for(int f =0; f < 5; f++){
for(int n = 0; n < 5; n++){
fprintf(output, "product matrix[%d][%d] = %ld \n", f, n, result[f][n]);
return 0;
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